The wind has finally calmed down a bit, so after a stop at the fuel dock to pump out the holding tanks, we headed off to one of our favorite anchorages in the North Channel – Oak Bay (specifically Hotham Island South Cove). This is a great anchorage no matter what the wind direction and since we are still experiencing some wind, it is the perfect spot for tonight. Bob and Ivy from Karma have joined us at the anchorage.
Our trip to the anchorage was beautiful. We experienced a tiny bit of leftover swell, but our course quickly took us in another direction and the remainder of our trip was in relatively protected waters. Ultimately there were six boats in the anchorage, but it was not crowded at all. It was a great night to be at anchor and we are glad we waited in Little Current for the weather to improve.
Miles: 21.8 Bridges: 0 Locks: 0
one of the islands on the way to Oak Bay |
directional signage on a small rock to let us know which way
the channel goes |
awesome granite rocks |
another beautiful night in another beautiful anchorage |
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